Docker Deployment

You may check out an easier method: Configurator

Bitcart uses docker for deployment. This allows us to simplify the installation and make Bitcart installable in almost any environment.

Currently Bitcart runs on 2 architectures: amd64 (most PC and servers), arm64 (raspberry pi). Arm32 is not supported officially anymore.

Almost every docker deployment starts like that:

sudo su -
git clone
cd bitcart-docker
# export needed settings, for example
export BITCART_HOST=yourdomain.tld

Note the minus sign after su. It is required. If you are deploying on mac os, you don't need to enter the first command. This is to load all settings

There are different environment variables available in order to customize the deployment

In order for Bitcart to work, if you use BITCART_HOST, you should create a DNS A record from your domain registar, pointing to your current server

Environment variables are set like so:

export VARIABLE_NAME=value

Here are the main ones:

  • BITCART_HOST configures on which domain Bitcart should run. It is required unless you use any of the methods from local deployment. It works in one domain mode. Your Bitcart Store will be accessible at BITCART_HOST, admin panel at /admin and Merchants API at /api. For other ways of configuration (for example different servers), check the one domain guide

  • BITCART_CRYPTOS configures which coins to enable. It is a list of coin symbols separated by commas. By default only btc is enabled. For example, to enable btc and eth, you would run export BITCART_CRYPTOS=btc,eth

  • BITCART_REVERSEPROXY - configures the reverse proxy used. By default nginx-https is used (with automatic ssl certificates generation). It might be useful to disable it to access your services directly or you can set it to nginx to disable ssl

  • BITCART_ADDITIONAL_COMPONENTS - you can add additional components to your deployment. For example, using export BITCART_ADDITIONAL_COMPONENTS=tor enables tor.

There are also quite a few settings related to configuring coins in Bitcart. Each coin has the same set of settings you can configure:

  • COIN_NETWORK changes on which network the coin runs. For example: export BTC_NETWORK=testnet would enable testnet in BTC coin with no other changes required!

  • COIN_LIGHTNING enables lightning network for coins which support it (BTC-based). For BTC you would do: export BTC_LIGHTNING=true

  • COIN_DEBUG enables debug mode for daemons to log more information. For example export BCH_DEBUG=true

  • COIN_SERVER configures the daemon to use exact server you specify instead of connecting to many servers at once. For example export BNB_SERVER= For btc-based coins, you can set up your own ElectrumX or Fulcrum server with your own full node. For eth-based coins, server is your full node's RPC url.

For the complete list of configuration settings you can use (to e.g. open some ports, change networks used or anything else), check out full configuration description at bitcart-docker github.

Last updated

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