Manual Deployment

The process is basically the following:

  1. Install OS required libraries

  2. Install python3 (3.9+)

  3. Install nodejs (20) and yarn

  4. Install postgresql

  5. Install redis (6.2.0+)

  6. Clone and run all parts of Bitcart

  7. (Optional) Open Firewall Ports and Access the Sites

Manual installation is NOT recommended in production. It should be only used for learning purpose.

Instead you should use the docker deployment.

The docker deployment will provide you easy update system and make sure that all moving parts are wired correctly without any technical knowledge. It will also setup HTTPS for you.

Typical manual installation

This steps have been done on ubuntu 22.04, adapt for your own install.

1) Install OS required libraries

sudo apt install libsecp256k1-dev

Or the equivalent for your os package manager

More info on libsecp256k1 in electrum docs or bitcoin core docs

2) Install Python 3

Usually it might have already been installed, but we also need pip3 and dev packages, so:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-dev

3) Install Node.JS and Yarn

sudo apt install nodejs
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Using a nodejs version higher than specified way work, but we officially support only 1 release series (usually current LTS)

4) Install PostgresSQL

Note, replace REPLACEME with your new postgres password.

sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo -u postgres createdb bitcart
sudo -u postgres psql -U postgres -d postgres -c "alter user postgres with password 'REPLACEME';"

5) Install Redis

sudo apt install redis-server

6) Clone and prepare Bitcart components

Bitcart core(daemons) & Merchants API:

git clone
cd bitcart
# Optional: Create virtual environment instead of using the global python environment
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
# continue installation
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements/production.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements/daemons/btc.txt

For any other daemon(coin) you want to use, run:

sudo pip3 install -r requirements/daemons/coin_name.txt

Where coin_name is coin code(btc, ltc, etc.).

Create a file conf/.env It contains all the settings. For now, we just need to set database password and enabled cryptos.

# Replace REPLACEME with your database password
# specify used cryptocurrencies with BITCART_CRYPTOS

cat > conf/.env << EOF

Apply database migrations:

alembic upgrade head

Bitcart admin panel

git clone
cd bitcart-admin
yarn build

Bitcart store

git clone
cd bitcart-store
yarn build

Run everything

Bitcart core(daemons) & Merchants API:

Start daemons from the bitcart repo directory:

python3 daemons/

For any other coin, do the similar procedure:

python3 daemons/

Start api:

gunicorn -c main:app

Start background worker:


If you want to run a specific coin on a test network or change other environment settings you can update the .env file in the bitcart conf/ directory

Bitcart admin panel

cd bitcart-admin
yarn start

Bitcart store

cd bitcart-store
NUXT_PORT=4000 yarn start

Default ports

  • The Bitcart API runs on port 8000.

  • Daemons on ports 5000-500X

  • The Bitcart Admin panel runs on port 3000

  • The Bitcart Store runs on port 4000.

(Optional) Open Firewall Ports and Access the Sites

If you are running Bitcart on your local machine - you will not need to do these steps. You can go ahead and access the system with:

  • Bitcart Admin Panel:

  • Bitcart Store:

  • Bitcart Merchants API:

If you are running Bitcart on a remote machine, you will need to do additional things to access them.

This option is recommended to proxy secure incoming requests to the correct bitcart process.

Install Nginx

sudo apt install nginx

Add configuration for each component: bitcart-store, bitcart and bitcart-admin

vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/bitcart-admin.conf

server {
    server_name bitcart-admin.<mysite>.com;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/bitcart-admin.access.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/bitcart-admin.error.log;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;

Enable the config

sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/bitcart-admin.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Add DNS records for your server names to point to your VM's ip

Check the config and reload nginx

sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Add TLS certificates with the letsencrypt CA for the sites

sudo apt install certbot
sudo certbot --nginx

Now you should be able to access the components over TLS. You can then also enable http2 in your nginx configuration if you want.

You might want to look at the FAQ for more detailed info on the Nginx configuration options

Option 2: No proxy

If you have a firewall, you will want to open ports 3000, 4000 and 8000. Using ufw as an example:

sudo ufw allow 3000
sudo ufw allow 4000
sudo ufw allow 8000

yarn is listening on localhost by default and you won't be able to access it over the internet unless you reverse proxy it with nginx. If you want to expose it without reverse proxy, use the environment variable: NUXT_HOST= to listen on all interfaces.

The store and admin site need public access to the bitcart api (URL should be resolvable both client and server side).

Using the manual method you need to set that with environment variables. The complete setup of the Bitcart Admin Panel and Store may look like this:

# bitcart-admin
NUXT_HOST="" BITCART_ADMIN_API_URL="http://bitcart-api-ip:8000" yarn start
# bitcart-store
NUXT_PORT=4000 NUXT_HOST="" BITCART_STORE_API_URL="http://bitcart-api-ip:8000" yarn start

Note: The above is the minimum to make it work and not a production grade solution. We still recommend to use docker deployment unless you really know what you're doing.

Access the site remotely

  • Bitcart Admin Panel: http://my-bitcart-admin-ip:3000/

  • Bitcart Store: http://my-bitcart-store-ip:4000/

  • Bitcart Merchants API: http://my-bitcart-store-ip:8000/

Continue with: Your first invoice

(Optional) Managing Processes

If you want the procaesses: bitcart api, daemons, worker and frontend (bitcart admin and bitcart store) to be managed with automatic startup, error reporting etc then consider using supervisord or systemd to manage the processes.

Upgrading manual deployment

Note: it is recommended to use docker deployment for easy upgrades.

To upgrade manually, follow the following steps:

1) Stop everything already running

Merchants API, workers, daemons, Admin panel and Store should be stopped

2) Pull latest changes

Run :

git pull

For every Bitcart component directory (Merchants API, Admin Panel, Store).

3) Upgrade dependencies

Bitcart core(daemons) & Merchants API:

sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements/production.txt
sudo pip3 install -r requirements/daemons/btc.txt

Bitcart admin


Bitcart store


4) Apply new database migrations

In Bitcart core(daemons) & Merchants API directory, run:

alembic upgrade head

5) Rebuild store and admin

For Bitcart Admin Panel and Store, run:

yarn build

6) Start everything again

Follow instructions here

Last updated

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